I'm featured in MysticMag: Read My Latest Interview
It was an incredible opportunity to discuss various aspects of my journey over the past 18 years, and I’m excited to share it with you.
I'm featured in MysticMag: Read My Latest Interview
Understanding & Healing Judgement & Projection
Exhaustion and Burnout- The why's and How's to Strengthening, Repairing and Rebuilding from it.
Save yourself the argument- Why do we have the conversations that go nowhere.
A way to learn from 'Bad' connections and Relationships
The first seven years form your Default settings for Life. Here's how it works.
My current Meditation is Me and Bob
I hear the internal nudge- so what?
What do you hear?- From the Table episode
When your direction and path is unclear...
Putting it all on the Table- A strategy to deal with the overload of information and opinions.
The storm: A Lesson in Intuition
The psychology of colour & the benefits of using it.