Long Distance Healing, or Remote Healing, is an energetic healing process done through Quantum Physics Principles. In scientific circles this is known as non-locality. It is a proven scientific fact that this method of healing is extremely effective.
Harvard University holds seminars in non-local healing. The explanations for how distance treatments work come from our understanding of phenomena described by quantum physics. In conducting rigorous experiments to explore the realities of the sub-atomic world, quantum physicists have discovered that when two particles that were once connected are separated, anything that is done to one will have the same and equal effect on the other at the precise same time.
It doesn't matter how much space separates these particles, a few feet or a few light years. The changes are seen instantaneously in both. There is no transference of information between the two particles, as that would take time. It seems that the two particles behave as one. That is, effects seen “here” are also experienced “there”. This phenomenon has been labelled “non-locality”.
This non-local quality has been noted not only between particles, but between people as well. It can happen spontaneously between family members who are very close – for example, the mother whose hand starts throbbing just as her daughter living down the road burns her hand. Or one twin who feels the labour pains of the other twin who is giving birth at that precise time in another country. It seems that we can also tap into the non-local nature of the universe deliberately when we take the name and address of a client: it serves to connect us to this person.
Long Distance Healing is wireless technology and works on a principle similar to the mobile phone. It is fairly well accepted that the garage door opener and the television remote work by wireless methods. The mobile phone works at even greater distances. There simply has to be a sender and a receiver. In this case, the sender is Jacquie, your practitioner and the receiver is you, or the animal.