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Day five- Get yourself a WORD & Let's build a 100 Things to do list.

Writer's picture: Jacquie McIntyreJacquie McIntyre

The year in review begins today.

It's day five in our review, Yippee!

It's the last one in this journey, 

Today is all about doing a few key things that can really help steer you in the direction you want to go in a Fun way. It's these little things that really will make a massive difference to your bigger picture. 

Planning for a year, an event, a month is made up of stages and many tools right?

And that's the case here too.  A few days ago we went through questions that you can ask yourself (and write down in your journal/book)

Now we are taking the next steps that bring it all together help you define what you want your end result to look and feel like.

If you have yet to catch up on our paper trail these past few days, you can always jump on into this blog and read through them here.

Day one: Reading list and book review. In 2019 we did this list. Read here Day two: A book review I forgot in day one and a thing I did in 2019 that made my heart swell. Read here Day three: I learnt about love, and pain, and myself, and others and did I say...Love? Read here Day four: Why I review and ways that YOU can review and plan. Read here


For the past 8 years I've had a word that acted like the theme for each year.  It serves to keep me anchored into that intention that's been set with the word.

Sometimes it's comes to me in meditation...sometimes it's through synchronicity and the same things that keep showing up for me painting a picture. And sometimes as I get towards the end of a year I just become crystal clear what the next years 'WORD" will be. 

I've found that the more I review and plan each year, the easier it is to know what my word and goals are for the following year.

It's something I really look forward to. 

It's your choice if you tell someone what your word it, but it can be good to share it, as sharing puts it out there to grow and manifest. It also helps to hold you accountable. If you had a buddy who could say "How are you going with your word this year?" It serves to realign you to your vision you had with the word.

And it sure is nice to share the journey with a buddy, you can inspire each other. 

Some of my words over the years have been JOY, HEAL, PEACE, VISION. 

This year my word is...


Because I want each day to have a Sunday vibe. Not just Sunday's. 

I've worked in a really focused and sometimes intensely high energy these past 14 years. And now the time has come for me to step into the next leg of personal growth and business as a wellpreneur.

And that is as someone who is focused on approaching work, business and life in a relaxed, steady and chilled fashion. Now is the time to love everyday and all the moments in those days....not just Sundays.

What's your word going to be?

Have you chosen  it already?

I really would love to know what you choose. 

I don't just pick it. I write it out in my journal. I print it out, laminate it and then stick it to my pin board right in front of my office desk. That way I see it, and I know exactly what that word means to me everyday. 

If you don't work from home, you could take a photo of it and have it as your phones screen saver for the year. You could stick it to your fridge or bedroom side table. It has to be somewhere your going to interact with it daily. 


Every year I build a 100 things to do list. The list doesn't magically appear all in one day, mostly over a week.

I find I start off with a bunch I can write down easily and then my ideas thin out a bit. That's when I walk away. And what I find is that as I'm doing my everyday life, these moments of "Ah...that's another thing to add to my list" come to me and I add them to the list. 

SO.... just let it evolve, but make sure it keeps evolving. Don't walk away and forget it.  

I don't get all 100 things done every year, but some years I've come so close. The ones I haven't done yet, I simply roll over to my new list at the beginning of the year. 

This is SO MUCH FUN and it's going to give you oodles of experiences throughout the whole year that your going to love and learn from. 

I'm running a FREE planning session for YOU to come and map out your 100 things to do list for 2020!

It's held in the My Incredible Orbit Facebook Group and I would love to see you there!

January 6th at 5PM AEST (Qld time) Plan for 20-30 mins. It's a Fun and quick session!

Here is the link to the group so you can join if you haven't already. MIO GROUP LINK

So what are the types of things you could put on your list you may ask?

Whatever the heck you want to. 

Think of all the things you have ever wanted to try, experience, see, hear, read, play with, explore, visit, become etc but you haven't yet...and then write them down. 

* Some of the ones in the past I've put on my list and done are;

* Buy flowers for myself once a month

* Go Rollerskating

* Have a pen pal and write regularly. 

* Get a pedicure. (simple I know but my selfcare wasn't that great back then)

* 1 week holiday at the beach (no work)

* Go to live music concert

* Make homemade sourdough bread from scratch.

* Get 4 massages a year (blitzed that one- did them monthly!)

* Travel and work in Japan

* Build a piece of timber furniture

* Make a Patchwork Quilt.

Are you starting to get a sense of what you could put on there?

I love doing my list with others around too, because you get some great ideas from others list items. 

Next Monday I'll be building my 100 Things to do list in the My Incredible Orbit facebook Group. 

Join here>>> MIO FB Group

If your not on Facebook but would like to see the replay from that video please email me at if there is enough call for it, I'll upload the video to my Youtube channel and you can watch it from there. 

And for those of you really interested in bringing your goals into reality, I am planning a special Attention to Intention Vision Board workshop for everyone who has ever previously done this course. 

On February 8th at 9AM AEST I'll be leading you through a complete A2I- Attention to Intention Vision Boarding workshop from start to finish. So you can build your own with me, to help and guide you through the protocol and process. 

But it's only for people who have enrolled and watched the A2I course before, so enrol now using the link below.

If you haven't watched it yet, there is still time to enrol. There are HUGE benefits to enrolling. 

* You get lifetime access to the course. 

* You can attend for FREE any Live A2I workshops, building vision boards from our goals that I run annually.

* It's only $37 today.

* It's super easy to understand and put into action.

So that wraps up our 5 days of review and planning. I hope you got something out of it for yourself, it was a lot of fun from my end. Let's do it next year shall we?

Pop the following date claimers into your calendar... January 6th- 5PM AEST Build your 100 Things to do List for 2020 Where: My Incredible Orbit Facebook Group

Enroll in A2I- Attention to Intention Course Intensive Here

So you can attend for FREE the 'Build your A2I Vision Board workshop with ME on February 8th at 9AM AEST The login details will be emailed to those of you who have done this course previously. 


Jacquie xx


About Jacquie...

Knowledge sharer, wisdom bringer, light shiner and fierce supporter of you and your journey.

Jacquie advocates for people's potential, and the return journey to Self- she shares her knowledge in all things healthcare, consciousness and body psychology whilst inspiring people to be the most exceptional version of themselves that they can possibly be.

Through private treatment sessions, seminars, workshops based in integrated consciousness healthcare and founder of the My Incredible Orbit community that gets you the powerful results you so deeply desire.

Consciousness based healthcare, where the best version of you and your journey towards a sensational life awaits you. About Jacquie...


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