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End of decade review begins today...

The year in review begins today.

What a year!

That's what a lot of clients are saying...PHEW!... What an interesting year.

As a year always was a mixed bag of experiences. And for you my gorgeous community, it was everything from births, deaths, accidents, study, new career directions, new jobs, new houses, holidays, inner journeying, ticking off goals (some of them "I'm glad I did that" goals to "WOW I DID THAT" goals!..... Ah Ha moments (we love those) and as always,...growth! Lot's and lots of Growth. 

And that's the thing about growth, it's always happening even if we don't realize it. And the most amount of personal growth you are likely to gain will be from all theos situations that really challenged you.

Doing some kind of end of year review for yourself personally can be fun, easy and worth so much to you.

In my experience, a lot of people don't do them because they don't think they have anything to learn from it. They think that because they lived through that time, there is nothing new to be gained from reviewing. Or they think that it's boring/ time consuming. 

For's your process, so it will be whatever you say it will be. 

Say it will be easy, fun and enlightening...and it will BE.

Each year I review a little differently.....

Today I give you part one and each day a little more until we come out looking at what 2020 can hold for us all. A great opportunity to grab a cuppa and sit with me for a few minutes.

Today I'll take you through my year in review...from the books I've read and what I did for the year.


When it comes to many things in life I sometimes find I'm coming in on the action months if not years after the buzz for it began. A few were...

Twilight, I watched my first one just prior to the last movie coming out, and went "yep I see why people hook into that story line". 

Instagram, I only become active last year. I opened it in 2011 but did nothing with it. I loved the vibe of instagram, it's a relaxed way to connect and far less drama than Facey.

Audio books, this was my first year trying Audible. And what a gem it is! I like listening to books that are based around business/ marketing/ philosophy etc. But when it comes to my smutty counrty romance, I'll stick to the feeling of pages between my fingers thanks. I just love the feel of books.  I read numerous text books and manuals relating to BodyTalk or Health topics/ science etc. I've not included them here.

A few that I read that are worth a mention are:

White Horses

May just be the best book I've ever read!



How to run a wildly successful business without losing your mind.


Finished the Jane Hawke character of books. Dean Koontz really does write suspense/ thriller so well!

The Silent Corner


More in the Medical Medium Series...

I'm currently listening to...

Dare to Lead, by Brene Brown

The Art of Creative Thinking, by Rod Judkins

Everything is Figureoutable, by Marie Forleo

River Runs Deep, by Rachael Treasure

Lets see how many I can add to my list this time next year....What are you reading right now? I would LOVE to know.


~ I achieved my goal of being more present and consistent with my blog articles. I literally have hundreds planned, I just have to find the time to write them. 

~ I really immersed myself in the land of Instagram, what an easy and mostly peaceful space. Totally my vibe.

~ I travelled for the first time to Johannesburg, South Africa and taught a BodyTalk Access course to people of all ages and backgrounds. Boy I learnt a lot about myself from that trip.

~ I helped transition the Australian BodyTalk Association out of the old model of an association into one of a community based matrix that I love so much...and I surrendered my 5 year title as president that frees me up to do other things too. 

~ Wrote, presented and filmed (Free) Making Friends with Conflict E-Course

~ Wrote, presented and filmed (Free) Healing Judgement and Projection E-Course

~ Travelled to Bendigo, Vic... for the first Australian Tiny house Festival- Big dream and goal of mine ticked off. maybe I'll build a tiny !? 

~ Moved house in April and survived!...Just.

~ In May I taught BodyTalk Access for Animals and Humans + facilitated numerous BodyTalk Sessions in Tokyo Japan. Please go here if you haven't already. It's super beautiful and a very personally spiritual place. I love going here.

~ Wrote, presented and filmed Healthy Boundaries E-Course. (online soon)

~ Wrote, presented and filmed Healing Exhaustion and Burnout E-Course.

~ Facilitated 36 Live group sessions for the My Incredible Orbit community. Dealing with everything from Money mindset, Relationship Repair, Powerful Intuition, Happy Hormones and lot's lots more. 

~ Faced my massive fear of dentistry and had major dental surgery in October to prevent a hereditary disease from getting worse.

~ We had many NEW members join the My Incredible Orbit membership community. Thats a big goal of mine to get better at telling people what's involved with the membership community and what we are up to. I get busy...and forget!

~ Wrote, presented and filmed a 10 part video course for My Incredible Orbit members called Art Journaling Fun. Because creativity is essential for you to be healthy, happy and sound. 

~ I facilitated over 950 BodyTalk Sessions for clients and students in classes! This is the first time I've ever planned to keep track of the end year figure and all I can say is Wow. Thank you everyone!

~ Managed to honor the balance between work and life. I sometimes got super tired and fatigued after big days or writing courses, but went into profound self care and rest to balance out again. A huge priority for me since burning out in 2011.

~ I rarely did sessions on days that were set aside for other business things like writing blogs/ courses etc. I wasn't great and honoring that for myself in past years, so that's a big move forward for me. Have you ever set a boundary for yourself and stuck to it? What was it?

~ I did a A2I vision board every 3 months and this year achieved my goals of working in South Africa/ Japan and bought the car I wanted to tow my little camper trailer with. Hello Camping by the beach!

~ Opened a brand new branch of my business Clay earring design. I so love this new emerging avenue and look forward to see where it takes me in 2020. 

~ Wrote and presented the most amount of courses in one year EVER! This is a comfortable number for me, so look out next year and how lucky are the MIO (My Incredible Orbit) peeps! They get them all to watch whenever they like. 

~ Found my groove and happiness more than I have ever before. I really had to lean into who I am and trust myself, especially in amongst the shit storm that can easily be life!

I hope you enjoy!


Jacquie xx


About Jacquie...

Knowledge sharer, wisdom bringer, light shiner and fierce supporter of you and your journey.

Jacquie advocates for people's potential, and the return journey to Self- she shares her knowledge in all things healthcare, consciousness and body psychology whilst inspiring people to be the most exceptional version of themselves that they can possibly be.

Through private treatment sessions, seminars, workshops based in integrated consciousness healthcare and founder of the My Incredible Orbit community that gets you the powerful results you so deeply desire.

Consciousness based healthcare, where the best version of you and your journey towards a sensational life awaits you. About Jacquie...


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