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The Health Recipe You Need On Hand At All Times

Writer's picture: Jacquie McIntyreJacquie McIntyre

Jacquie McIntyre

It's great to have you here today, lets jump in...

I see it everyday, the effects of this huge process we are going through both individually and collectively as a species. It's inspiring often leaves me full of wonder and excitement.

One of the things we seem to be doing a lot more of in the past few years, is taking a much bigger interest and understanding in what happens to us and to our overall health.

We are stepping into self responsibility for our overall health and that's going to change the trajectory for our human consciousness for the better, immensely in fact.

We are tapping into knowing the innate wisdom within us each and learning how we heal and how we grow as sentient beings.

No longer do we want to just manage symptoms without understanding what caused the disease or miscommunication within the body.

We want to become aware and empowered.

We are turning into master listeners, master action takers, master knowing what is right for me er's.

This is moving so fast and it can absolutely feel like your spinning at times.

Collectively our consciousness is evolving in one giant quantum leap right after the other... hop, skip, jump... Your doing great!

Over the next few years I'll be giving you as many tools and resources as possible, that will help you to become stronger, healthier and freer.

Free from fear and worry ... Power filled with confidence, courage, knowing and the ability to listen within and follow without hesitation. As your naturally intended to function and experience yourself.

This week I'm sharing a very easy to make recipe that's like opening a treasure chest.

There's so many goodies inside.

Brining all these ingredients together, they work in a synchronized and harmonic way, to have a powerful working relationship with every single organ, system, microbe and hormone in your beautiful body.

You can use this recipe as an everyday health maintenance elixir if you like (it's your body, trust what feels right for you), but it's really been bought together to assist the body very powerfully, when it s going through a big process such as cold, flu, pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchitis, asthma, sinus issues etc.

Remember we are helping the body to work more efficiently and do what it does best. It's not necessarily about symptom reduction (although that's nice when it happens), it's about assisting the already unfolding healing process that's happening within you.

We use this to help your innate wisdom in its healing and bring things back into balance.

Easy squeezy.

Share the heck out of this. This is knowledge for all.

At the time of writing this, it's change over of seasons and that means there's lots of immune systems right now clearing house. And that results in these kinds of massive processes that the Lungs, Immune and Respitority systems then gets involved with.

Lets make it easier for your body to heal ... And if your someone who has learnt the BodyTalk Access Program, try doing all of those techniques along with this recipe. The combination of efforts will work amazingly well.

If your really feeling like you'd like some extra love and support, swing on over and book a session for yourself. Book Now

Remember... Live life on your own terms

Jacquie x

Click on the image below, it expands... and you can download a copy to keep handy.

Respitority Goodness Recipe


About Jacquie...

Jacquie's a life journier and it's seen her grow and build an eclectic mix of abilities, interests and artistry's that

stemmed from her heart connection to the animal kingdom as a child, her deep fascination for human and animal psychology, mashed into that was her ever present love affair with all forms of creativity. ​

She knows all to well that it's impossible to neatly fit us into boxes, nor do the labels fit the true sentience of who we are. And that's why she has integrated her blend of integrative medicine, whole healthcare, community and creativity to this very space. If your willing to dive in with her, prepare to be loved and supported while you embark on this incredible return journey to self.

Through private treatment sessions, seminars, workshops based in integrated consciousness healthcare and founder of the My Incredible Orbit community that gets you the powerful results you so deeply desire.

Consciousness based healthcare, where the best version of you and your journey towards a sensational life awaits you.

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