How are you?
I have something special for you, an easy to digest, one hour workshop- nothing fancy...but loaded with great information.
The Wei Qi system has been coming up a lot lately in peoples and animals sessions, it made me so aware that your not taught about any of this traditionally...and I want to change that. I wanted to give you a really good glimpse into this amazing system and share with you, loads of tips on what you can do, to start looking after and repairing it.
It's hanging out over on my YouTube channel. While there don't forget to subscribe, I have a goal of 1000 subscribers this year.
And Yes...you can share this with friends and family.
Below are the details of how to register for the upcoming 100 Things to do this coming year PARTY. Seriously...this is purely designed to be a fun, light-hearted, creative and explorative event for us all. Where we learn more about ourselves, tune into our needs and get cool ideas from others in the environment- lets grow from our experiences this year.
Jacquie x
100 Things to do this coming year party
March 5th @ 7AM AEST
Find out what time/day that is for you by visiting this link https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20220207T080000&p1=47
Register here:
You are invited to 100 Things to do this year party- with Jacquie McIntyre
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
About Jacquie...
Jacquie's a life journier and it's seen her
grow and build an eclectic mix of abilities, interests and artistry's that
stemmed from her heart connection to the animal kingdom as a child, her deep fascination for human and animal psychology, mashed into that was her ever present love affair with all forms of creativity. ​
She knows all to well that it's impossible to neatly fit us into boxes, nor do the labels fit the true sentience of who we are. And that's why she has integrated her blend of integrative medicine, whole healthcare, community and creativity to this very space. If your willing to dive in with her, prepare to be loved and supported while you embark on this incredible return journey to self.
Through private treatment sessions, seminars, workshops based in integrated consciousness healthcare and founder of the My Incredible Orbit community that gets you the powerful results you so deeply desire.
Consciousness based healthcare, where the best version of you and your journey towards a sensational life awaits you.