A session that focuses on the whole family matrix and members.
Service Description
These sessions are specifically designed to address the whole family matrix. (Which also includes the animals of the family- just to give you a heads up) We are not treating anyone individually. These sessions are a very effective way to address the family as a whole and to address specific issues within the family, or family members, imbalances affecting the family harmony, communication woes to restore harmony. Families go through a lot, there's often so much stress and trauma that a family endures. If not fully addressed and resolved, it can have a profound effect on relationships for years to come. And can affect the overall health of the family and its members. A matrix session working on the consciousness of the family is a wonderful and effective way to bring about change within the whole family that softly ripples out to each and every family member. Its the innate wisdom of individual family members that shifts and releases 'what was' in favour of what 'needs to be'. In other words, each family member will go through their own healing process as directed by their own innate wisdom. This in turn shifts the whole family matrix to become more harmonious and healthy. Jacquie looks forward to working with your family matrix.