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Making Friends with Conflict

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"Thank you for the clear presentation of this content. I feel like I have improved language to share with others" ~ Judi C Conflict!

 The majority of people don't like it and nearly everyone avoids it, because that's what we are conditioned to do. Usually it's some expression of fight/ flight/ freeze that people go into when faced with what they know to be “conflict”. And sometimes it’s an expression of many of these...freeze then move into fight or flight. Everyone has a unique and very particular recipe that they have developed over their lifetime, when it comes to approaching and dealing with conflict and very few people actually understand the healing ability of conflict or that you can make friends with it. 

This course is about understanding conflict very differently to what you were conditioned to believe, so that your relationship forever changes with it, this in turn has the power to radically transform your own relationships. The healing power of conflict really is a thing! That might come as news to you...conflict being healing and I can be friends with it?- Yeah right! ... but you totally can, I'll show you how. In this powerful workshop you'll get unlimited on demand access to the video presentation of just over 1.5hrs plus a wonderful e-book 

'Ten Ways To Make Friends With Conflict'. "This should be going out to return soldiers, they are taught to deal with conflict at a moment's notice ~ Sarah M

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