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Deciphering your Personal truth
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Enhanced Intuition, an exploration with Jacquie McIntyre and Neil Dougan.
For many of us we have a sixth sense of what is going on. The mass media, our culture, and social media are so often at odds with this “sixth sense” and yet we ferment distractions to avoid it.
When the stress of this strange voice calling out that something is just not right gets high enough, we get some pretty inevitable consequences in our emotions, often with fear and anger arising.
And of course, the physiology is sparked into unhealthy reactions as a result of this too. When the stress of this strange voice calling out that something is just not right gets high enough, we get some pretty inevitable consequences in our emotions, often with fear and anger arising, and of course the physiology is sparked into unhealthy reactions as a result of this too.
In this workshop Jacquie McIntyre and Neil Dougan will present their tools for developing and clarifying the results of this intuitive process. Allowing clarity and certainty to be connected to our own truth. The truth of our perceptions and filters. Be prepared to be presented with the opportunity to make sense of all of those gut feelings.
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