Resources Handout
For all the times when you find yourself not feeling yourself! maybe you're stressed, anxious, going through something traumatic and overwhelming or maybe you’ve got an illness occurring. This list acts as a reminder when you can’t. A reminder of your amazing resources that you've curated over your years. These are the things you know have worked for you in the past. Here… I've given you a lookie into what I have on mine right now. And yes.. This does change over time. So as one thing doesn't resonate with you any longer a new resource will come to you and you’ll add it to your list. Place these (I make copies) where you'll see them everyday, maybe the fridge. Scan the list one by one when you're not doing so well and let your intuitive system draw your attention to what’s most important for you right now. Then do that, lean in and do it. Trust your process.