Online Course Privacy Statement
Please note that the information you provided when you registered for this class will only be used to facilitate your registration and update your course records on the IBA website. Your personal information is protected and the registration details you have completed and returned have been processed, filed securely, and deleted from my email account.
At the completion of your course, you will be graduated on the IBA site and your registration forms will be deleted. Your personal information will not be shared with any third parties and can be reviewed upon request.
I will use your contact information and add you to the Jacquie McIntyre email list to share with you integrative healthcare news as well as alert you to ongoing opportunities to further develop your BodyTalk for Animals skills, such as monitoring future course or invitations to attend special study groups. If you wish to not receive those alerts you can request to be removed from my list.
If you have any questions about the collection or use of your personal information please contact us directly at:
I, agree to the terms of the Jacquie McIntyre privacy policy
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