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Available Online

Initial Consultation MBTM

For Session And Mentoring Support In Your BodyTalk Career Journey

1 h 30 min
150 Australian dollars
Gympie Community Place|Zoom Room

Service Description

This is perfect for the person who wants mentoring & to make a career of some kind from their BodyTalk training. Your step into the BodyTalk System also is the next giant step into your spiritual journey, they both weave together beautifully and I can help you navigate all aspects of this and provide resources to support your growth. Our time together will be part session to address from innates perspective what needs to be addressed to assist you in developing in the directions you are focused on. Part of our time together will also be mentoring. So be prepared to come armed with your questions about practice and business building. Jacquie will ask you ahead of time to let her know what your specific questions/ focus points are so she can prepare for your time together. Having a supportive mentor who is 100% in your corner is priceless and so welcomed, I know, I get it! And having Jacquie as one of your mentors who has been part of the BodyTalk Matrix for 17 years and counting is a support asset to you, that will help you achieve much more than you normally would flying solo and trying to figure it all out on your own. Mentoring Sessions will begin with a priority based session. Sometimes questions we have are answered in the session, so a session first will normally be the best- it's open to change though. Please allow 30 minutes as an approximate for your session, before moving into Discussion and Planning Time. We'll go over any topics that came up to be discussed in the session as well as focus points you bring to the table to be nutted out. Your Initial Consultation will take a little more time than any Follow Up Consultation. The Initial Consultation will involve you providing me some details in a Mentoring Health and Wellbeing Form that I'll review prior to our first session, so I know what your focuses/ goals and current challenges are. In the Initial Consultation we will prioritise an action plan moving forward that will focus on small actionable steps relevant to you and your wishes. Follow Up Consultations will involve us starting with a debrief from our last mentoring session before moving into identifying priorities moving forward, a session and review of any other items before we close. These appointments take less time. If you can't see a day/ time that works for you in your time zone, please email the office and one will be worked out that works for both you and Jacquie. Prepare for fun! Prepare for change!

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